Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome Note For 2014....

Today's the day to forget all the bad times, the sad memories,
the ugly encounters,
to stop blaming others, to stop holding yourself guilty,
to stop wondering why things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to be,
to stop thinking what would have happened had you done things differently,
to not feel sad about whatever went wrong, to not feel bad about where you are,
to not hate anything about life.

Its the day to move on.
A new tomorrow beckons, a new life awaits you, with them will come new sources of happiness, new ways to make you smile, new events, new happenings, new phase of life, a new time, a new day, a new you.
Lets say bye bye to the time gone by, and usher in the new year with a big smile on our face :-) :-) :-)
Before the first day of the year comes to an end, promise yourself, that come what may, this year, nobody else but you will be the master of your happiness!! :) :) If you decide, you can be happy!

Hope you Have A very prosperous and fulfilling year ahead for you and your family...
Happy New year...

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